Saturday, October 13, 2012

Skunks: Will Work For Food

Willow and Lilac have lived at the museum since July of 2011. Born in captivity, they have turned into fantastic program animals for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Both the wildlife staff and the education staff use the skunks regularly in classes.

Training the skunks to go in and out of a kennel for travel to class has been unusually challenging. Many of our animals are frightened of their kennels and need to be rewarded for going into them. The skunks, on the other hand, love their kennels! The problem is getting them out when it is time for class to start. Training them to come out has been a multi-step process. The first step was rewarding them when they just poked their head out of the kennel. When they mastered that, they got rewarded for putting one foot out of the kennel, then two feet, three feet, four feet, and finally for coming all the way out. During this process, whenever the skunks got rewarded, they would take their treat and rush right back into the kennel. So the final step was rewarding the girls when they would come out and stay out while we either picked them up or closed the door behind them.

Each girl has her own personality and training them required attention be paid to their individuality. Willow is farther along in her training. She will come out and stay out long enough to be picked up, without closing the door behind her. Lilac is more nervous and the door must still be closed behind her or else she will dart back into the kennel before you can pick her up. With staff attention and the right treats, Lilac will be coming out of her kennel perfectly in no time. What is the perfect treat to train a skunk? Willow loves raisins while Lilac prefers worms.

Kaitlyn Gabriel, Wildlife Specialist

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